Sepsis Awareness Day

Sepsis Awareness Day

As we approach Sepsis Awareness Day on the 12th of September, it’s crucial to spread knowledge about this life-threatening condition, especially among the elderly who are particularly vulnerable. At Care in Kent, we believe that awareness and timely action can save lives, and our dedicated private caregivers are trained to spot the signs of sepsis…

Should I Worry About Memory Loss?

Should I Worry About Memory Loss?

Memory loss can be a concerning experience, especially as we or our loved ones grow older. It’s natural to wonder whether forgetfulness could be a sign of something more serious, such as Alzheimer’s disease. This article aims to explore the relationship between memory loss and Alzheimer’s, providing insights without causing undue worry. If you’ve noticed…

“Shall We Make A Memory Box For Grandad?” Supporting Loved Ones Living With Dementia

“Shall We Make A Memory Box For Grandad?” Supporting Loved Ones Living With Dementia

If you are lucky enough to have elderly loved ones in your life, you’ve probably spent a considerable length of time talking to them about the past. Older relatives are our strongest connection to our history, and their stories and memories can be a source of delight and intrigue, revealing things about a yesterday we…