Supporting Loved ones living and coping with Dementia | Care in Kent

“Shall We Make A Memory Box For Grandad?” Supporting Loved Ones Living With Dementia

If you are lucky enough to have elderly loved ones in your life, you’ve probably spent a considerable length of time talking to them about the past. Older relatives are our strongest connection to our history, and their stories and memories can be a source of delight and intrigue, revealing things about a yesterday we…

obesity and the elderly | Care in Kent

Obesity and the Elderly

It’s National Obesity Awareness Week, and while it’s a fact that we as a nation are getting bigger, regardless of age, it’s also true that the range of health complications that go hand-in-hand with being overweight can pose even more of a risk to those of us who are older. Worldwide, 70% of people over…

Palliative care | Senior man looking at his wife who lies in a hospital bed

Sepsis And The Elderly

Sepsis, sometimes incorrectly called blood poisoning, is the body’s life-threatening response to an injury or an infection. Most infections that lead to sepsis start in the lungs, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, or on skin, and if treatment isn’t immediately sought, sepsis can quickly cause tissue damage, organ failure, and even death. Who can be susceptible…

What makes a good carer? | Care in Kent

What Makes A Good Carer?

Without a doubt, working in the care industry is one of the most rewarding career choices out there, and innate qualities such as patience, empathy and understanding are essential in order to be able to do the job to the very best of your ability. But when it comes to being a good carer, what…