What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

What Is Parkinson’s Disease?

If someone you love has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you might have been left with more questions than answers: what exactly are the symptoms? How does the illness progress? How much care will my loved one need?  Care In Kent’s blog series on Parksinson’s Disease takes a closer look at the condition, including what it…

Woman taking care of disabled father in a wheelchair | Caring for elderly parents

Caring For People With Protected Characteristics

The Equality Act of 2010 was set up to protect people from discrimination, harrassment andvictimisation due to: ● Age● Disability● Sex● Race● Religion● Pregnancy/maternity● Gender reassignment● Sexual orientation While the world has come a long way with regards to tolerance and acceptance surroundingthese protected characteristics, for older members of the LGBTQ community, being true towho…

What Is Domiciliary Care?

What Is Domiciliary Care?

If you have an elderly loved one, and you have been researching the best way to care for them and their needs, domiciliary care is no doubt a term you have come across. But what exactly is domiciliary care? What does it entail? And who is it for? Care In Kent have put together this…

Depression And The Elderly

Depression And The Elderly

We all feel down once in a while – whatever our age – it’s a part of life. But for some people, those feelings can last for weeks or months, and can become debilitating.  Thankfully, a diagnosis of depression no longer has a stigma attached to it; it’s recognised by society as the genuine illness that it…

Eating Well and The Elderly

Eating Well and The Elderly

Eating good, nutritious food is important for our overall health at any age, but for the elderly, eating well is even more essential. A healthy diet can improve mental agility,build your resistance to illness and give energy levels a much-needed boost. Eating well not only keeps our bodies healthy, it’s also vital when it comes…

Paying For Care At Home

Paying For Care At Home

The idea that our elderly loved ones can live out their twilight years in the home that they love, while having all of their needs taken care of, is a wonderful one. Care at home means no need to worry about them being in an unfamiliar environment, or spending days or even longer without having…